yiˊ qieˋ zhuˊ jianˋ pin ˉ couˋ qiˇ laiˊ
(It slowly, Pieces) It slowly comes together | The pieces gradually fall into place | The pieces fall into place
一切 yiˊ qieˋ
(All, Completely, Everything) All, Completely, Everything
逐漸 zhuˊ jianˋ
(Gradual, Gradually, Increasing, Increasingly) Increasing, Increasingly, Gradual, Gradually
拼湊 pinˉ couˋ
(Put together) Put together
拼湊起來 pinˉ couˋ qiˇ laiˊ
(Piece) Piece it together
湊起 couˋ qiˇ
(Assembled, Gathered) Gathered, Assembled
起來 qiˇ laiˊ
(Get Up, In the process, Verb Ending, While doing) Get up, In the process of, While doing, verb ending
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