shiˋ houˋ ta ˉ zaiˋ xin ˉ liˇ fanˇ fuˋ huiˊ guˋ
(Replaying) Replaying it over and over again in her mind afterwards
事後 shiˋ houˋ
(After the, After the event, Afterwards) Afterwards, After the fact, After the event
她在心裡反覆回顧 taˉ zaiˋ xinˉ liˇ fanˇ fuˋ huiˊ guˋ
(Replaying) Replaying it over and over again in her mind
心裡 xinˉ li˙
(At heart, Feel, Feeling, In one's heart, In one's mind, Mentally, Region) Mentally, In one's mind, In one's heart, At heart, Feel, Feeling, Region of the body around the chest
反覆 fanˇ fuˋ
(Again and again, Carefully, Iterative, Not dependable, Relapse, Repeat, Repeated, Repeatedly) Repeatedly, Iterative, Repeated, Again and again, Repeat, Carefully study, Relapse, Not dependable
回顧 huiˊ guˋ
(Look back on, Looked back on, Looking back on, Looks back, Recap, Recapped, Recapping, Recaps, Review, Reviewed, Reviewing, Reviews, To look back, To recap, To review) To look back on, Look back on, Looks back on, Looking back on, Looked back on, To recap, Recap, Recaps, Recapping, Recapped, To review, Review, Reviews, Reviewing, Reviewed
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