交配 jiao ˉ peiˋ


交配後 jiao ˉ peiˋ houˋ

(After mating) After mating


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Rhymes: yao ei

rh: jiao ˉ peiˋ 交配

rh: niaoˇ leiˋ 鳥類


rh: xiao ˉ feiˋ 消費


rh: xiaoˇ feiˋ 小費


rh: xiaoˇ hei ˉ 小黑


rh: yaoˋ feiˋ 要費


rh: yaoˋ geiˇ 要給


rh: biaoˇ meiˋ 表妹


rh: jiaoˇ beiˋ 腳背


rh: jiao ˉ feiˋ 交費


rh: jiaoˇ feiˋ 繳費


rh: jiaoˋ feiˋ 較費


rh: jiao ˉ geiˇ 交給



< Meet, Hand in, Give To, Submit, Deliver, Intersect, Exchange, Cross

Cross, Deliver, Exchange, Give To, Hand In, Intersect, Meet, Submit

< Join, Unite, Marry, Pair, Pair with, Paired with, Match, Mate, Spouse, Partner, Mix, Fit, Suit, Dispense, Exile, Equal, Deserve, Be worthy of, Qualified, Subordinate, Supplementary

Be worthy, Deserve, Dispense, Equal, Exile, Fit, Join, Marry, Match, Mate, Mix, Pair, Paired, Partner, Qualified, Spouse, Subordinate, Suit, Supplementary, Unite


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