倒也 daoˋ yeˇ

Not bad, Contrary to what one might expect


buˊ guoˋ daoˇ yeˇ weiˋ biˋ

(Not necessarily, Perhaps not) Not necessarily, Perhaps not


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Rhymes: ao ye

rh: daoˇ yeˋ 島葉


rh: daoˋ yeˇ 倒也

rh: daoˋ bieˊ 道別


rh: daoˋ lieˋ 盜獵


rh: daoˋ qieˋ 盜竊


rh: daoˋ xieˋ 道謝


rh: gaoˋ bieˊ 告別


rh: gao ˉ jieˇ 高解


rh: gaoˋ jieˋ 告誡


rh: gao ˉ tieˇ 高鐵


rh: haoˋ jieˊ 浩劫


rh: haoˇ xie ˉ 好些


rh: haoˇ xieˋ 好謝


rh: laoˇ ye˙ 姥爺


rh: taoˊ yeˇ 陶冶


rh: taoˋ xieˊ 套鞋


rh: zaoˇ yeˋ 早葉


rh: zao ˉ qieˋ 遭竊


rh: aoˊ yeˋ 熬夜


rh: baoˋ lieˋ 爆裂


Contrary to what, Not bad

< Fall, Lie down, Collapse, Take turns, (Dao4), Upside down, Invert, Turn over, Tip, Pour out, Reverse, Turn around, Retreat

Collapse, Fall, Invert, Lie down, Pour out, Retreat, Reverse, Take turns, Tip, Turn around, Turn over, Upside

< Also, Beside, Still, Too, And, Either

Also, And, Beside, Either, Still, Too


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All rights reserved.