傾倒 qingˉ daoˇ
(Collapse, Dump, Empty, Fall for, Fall over, Pour, To collapse, To dump, To empty, To fall, To pour, To topple, Topple) To collapse, To topple, To fall, To dump, To pour, To empty, To fall over, To fall for, Collapse , Collapses , Collapsing , Collapsed , Fall over, Falls over, Falling over, Fell over, Fall for, Falls for, Falling for, Fell for, Pour , Pours , Pouring , Poured , Dump , Dumps , Dumping , Dumped , Empty contents of, Empties contents of, Emptying contents of, Emptied contents of, Topple , Topples , Toppling , Toppled
出 chu ˉ
Leave, Exit, Go out, Come Out, Appear, Produce, Beget, Pay out
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