Money transfer, Remittance
Rhymes: wei wan
rh: huiˋ kuanˇ 匯款
rh: hui ˉ zhuanˇ 揮轉
rh: huiˊ zhuanˇ 迴轉
rh: shuiˇ guanˇ 水管
rh: tui ˉ duanˋ 推斷
rh: tuiˇ duanˇ 腿短
rh: tui ˉ suanˋ 推算
rh: zuiˋ wanˊ 最完
rh: zuiˋ wanˇ 最晚
rh: zuiˋ chuanˊ 最船
rh: zuiˋ kuan ˉ 最寬
rh: weiˇ wanˇ 委婉
rh: weiˋ wanˊ 餵完
rh: weiˋ wanˊ 未完
rh: weiˇ duan ˉ 尾端
rh: wei ˉ guanˉ 微觀
rh: duiˋ wanˋ 對萬
rh: duiˋ huanˋ 兌換
rh: guiˋ guan ˉ 桂冠
rh: gui ˉ huanˊ 歸還
rh: huiˊ chuanˊ 回傳
匯< Remit, Exchange, Flow together, Converge
Converge, Exchange, Flow, Remit
款< Specification, Item, Article, Account entry, Sum Of Money, Submit, Fund, Signature, Style, Act, Knock at a door, Entertain, Proceed slowly, Intimate, Heart felt, Sincere, Empty
Account, Act, Article, Empty, Entertain, Fund, Heart, Intimate, Item, Knock, Proceed, Signature, Sincere, Specification, Style, Submit, Sum Of Money
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