告退 gaoˋ tuiˋ

Withdraw, Leave


gai ˉ gaoˋ tuiˋ de˙ shiˊ houˋ le˙

(It was time) It was time to leave, It was time to withdraw, It was time to quit


, , 退, , , ,

Rhymes: ao wei

rh: gaoˋ tuiˋ 告退

rh: haoˊ wei ˉ 毫微


rh: haoˇ duiˋ 好對


rh: laoˊ ruiˋ 勞瑞


rh: naoˋ guiˇ 鬧鬼


rh: naoˇ suiˇ 腦髓


rh: paoˇ huiˊ 跑回


rh: paoˇ tuiˇ 跑腿


rh: shao ˉ weiˉ 稍微


rh: shaoˇ weiˋ 少尉


rh: shao ˉ huiˉ 燒灰


rh: shao ˉ huiˇ 燒毀


rh: shao ˉ shuiˇ 燒水


rh: taoˊ zuiˋ 陶醉


rh: zaoˇ weiˋ 早為


rh: zhaoˇ weiˋ 找位


rh: zhaoˇ huiˊ 找回


rh: zhaoˋ huiˊ 召回


rh: zhaoˇ shuiˇ 找水


rh: bao ˉ weiˊ 包圍


rh: baoˇ weiˋ 保衛


rh: baoˇ guiˋ 寶貴


rh: caoˊ weiˋ 曹魏


rh: chaoˊ shuiˇ 潮水


rh: chaoˇ zuiˇ 吵嘴


rh: daoˇ weiˋ 倒胃


rh: daoˋ weiˋ 到位


rh: gao ˉ weiˇ 高緯


Leave, Withdraw

< Announce, Inform, Tell, Accuse, Say

Accuse, Announce, Inform, Say, Tell

退< Decline, Retreat, Withdraw, Step back, Move Back

Decline, Move Back, Retreat, Step, Withdraw


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