
zaiˋ xiaˋ mianˋ chu ˉ xianˋ

Appear beneath | Appearing beneath | Appeared beneath

Appear, Appeared, Appearing

At the bottom, Below, Underneath, Below, Bottom, Appears, Develop, Emerge, Emerged, Emerges, Emerging, Reveal, Revealed, Revealing, Reveals, To appear, To develop, To emerge, To reveal

在下 zaiˋ xiaˋ

At the bottom | Underneath | Below


下面 xiaˋ mianˋ

Below | Bottom surface


出現 chuˉ xianˋ

To appear | Appear | Appears | Appearing | Appeared | To develop | Develop/Develops/Developing/Developed | To emerge | Emerge | Emerges | Emerging | Emerged | To reveal | Reveal | Reveals | Revealing | Revealed


zaiˋ xiaˋ 再下


zaiˋ xiaˋ 在下


zaiˋ xiaˋ 在夏


zhai ˉ xiaˋ 摘下


ai ˉ jiaˉ 挨家


caiˇ xiaˊ 彩霞


caiˇ xiaˋ 踩下


chai ˉ xiaˋ 拆下


daiˋ jiaˇ 帶甲


daiˋ jiaˋ 代價


haiˇ xiaˊ 海峽


kaiˇ jiaˇ 鎧甲


laiˊ jia ˉ 來加


maiˇ xiaˋ 買下


pai ˉ xiaˋ 拍下


taiˊ xiaˋ 台下


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