zaiˋ jiˋ shuˋ xingˋ zhui ˉ qiuˊ zhong ˉ
(In technical) In technical pursuits | In technical endeavours
在 zaiˋ
Now, Located, In, At, On, By, Alive, Present, Presently
技術 jiˋ shuˋ
(Skill, Skills, Technique, Techniques, Technology) Technique, Techniques, Technology, Skill, Skills
技術性 jiˋ shuˋ xingˋ
(Technical, Technological, Technology) Technical, Technological, Technology
追求 zhuiˉ qiuˊ
(Chase, Chased, Chases, Chasing, Look for, Looked for, Looking for, Looks for, Pursue, Pursued, Pursues, Pursuing, To chase, To look for, To pursue) To pursue/chase/look for, To pursue, Pursue, Pursues, Pursuing, Pursued, To chase, Chase, Chases, Chasing, Chased, To look for, Look for, Looks for, Looking for, Looked for
中 zhong ˉ zhongˋ
Within, During, Middle, Center, Central, Core, Among, China, Chinese, Neutral, Target, Bullseye, Goal
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