忌 jiˋ
(Abstain, Avoid, Day of, Disallow, Dread, Fear, Hatred, Jealousy, Prohibit, Proscribe, Quit, Scruple, Shun, Taboo)
Jealousy, Hatred, Fear, Dread, Shun, Avoid, Abstain, Quit, Disallow, Prohibit, Proscribe, Taboo, Scruple, Day of a relative's death
jiˋ riˋ
(Anniversary, Death, Remembrance)
Remembrance day, Anniversary of a death, Death anniversary, Death anniversaries
huiˋ jiˊ jiˋ yi ˉ
(Conceal, Hide from, Refuse to)
Conceal one's ailment, Refuse to face a harsh reality, Hide from the truth, Hide from one's troubles
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