教會 jiaoˋ huiˋ



jiaoˋ huiˋ ziˋ jiˇ

(Taught) Taught oneself, Taught themselves


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jing ˉ yanˋ jiaoˋ huiˋ ta ˉ

(Experience) Experience had taught him


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youˊ taiˋ jiaoˋ huiˋ

(Synagogue) Synagogue


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Rhymes: yao wei

rh: jiaoˋ huiˋ 教誨


rh: jiaoˋ huiˋ 教會

rh: jiao ˉ shuiˇ 膠水


rh: jiao ˉ shuiˇ 澆水


rh: jiaoˊ suiˋ 嚼碎


rh: miaoˊ huiˋ 描繪


rh: miaoˋ huiˋ 廟會


rh: qiaoˊ cuiˋ 憔悴


rh: tiaoˊ weiˋ 調味


rh: tiaoˋ shuiˇ 跳水


rh: xiaoˇ duiˋ 小隊


rh: xiaoˇ gui ˉ 小規


rh: xiaoˇ guiˇ 小鬼


rh: xiao ˉ huiˇ 銷毀


rh: xiaoˇ huiˋ 小慧


rh: xiaoˋ hui ˉ 校徽


rh: xiaoˇ shuiˇ 小水


rh: xiao ˉ tuiˋ 消退


rh: xiaoˇ tuiˇ 小腿


rh: yao ˉ weiˉ 要危


rh: yaoˋ duiˋ 要對


rh: yaoˋ shuiˇ 藥水


rh: yao ˉ zhuiˉ 腰椎


rh: diaoˋ duiˋ 掉隊


rh: diaoˋ huiˊ 調回


rh: jiao ˉ weiˋ 焦味


rh: jiaoˋ weiˋ 較為



< Teach, Guide, Instruct, Allow, Doctrine, Dogma, Religion

Allow, Doctrine, Dogma, Guide, Instruct, Religion, Teach

< Can, Can be, Able, Able to be, Shall, Shall be, Will, Will be, To meet, Meet, Meets, Meeting, Met, To gather, Gather, Gathers, Gathering, Gathered, To assemble, Assemble, Assembles, Assembling, Assembled

Able, Able To, Assemble, Assembles, Assembling, Can, Can be, Gather, Gathered, Gathering, Gathers, Meet, Meeting, Meets, Met, Shall, To assemble, To gather, To meet, Will, Will be





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