It's the kind of, Is the kind of, Was the kind of
woˇ buˊ shiˋ naˋ zhongˇ huiˋ shua ˉ baoˋ kaˇ de˙ renˊ
(I wasn't) I wasn't someone who maxed out their credit card, I wasn't someone who maxed out their credit cards
Cat: Latest (I wasn't someone who maxed out their credit card/cards) Next
Rhymes: i ei
rh: shiˋ neiˋ 是那
rh: shiˋ neiˋ 室內
rh: shi ˉ peiˊ 失陪
rh: shiˋ sheiˊ 是誰
rh: siˋ beiˋ 四倍
rh: zhi ˉ leiˋ 之類
rh: zhi ˉ neiˋ 之內
rh: zhi ˉ peiˋ 支配
rh: ziˋ bei ˉ 自卑
rh: ziˋ feiˋ 自費
rh: ziˋ neiˋ 自那
rh: shiˊ beiˋ 十倍
rh: shiˋ beiˋ 是被
rh: shiˋ beiˋ 事倍
rh: shi ˉ feiˊ 施肥
rh: shiˋ fei ˉ 是非
rh: shiˋ leiˋ 是淚
是< Is, To be, Am/Are/Is/Was/Were, Being, Yes
Am, Are, Being, Is, To be, Was, Were, Yes
那< Then, That, Which, Those, In that case, How
How, In that, That, Then, Those, Which
種< Species, Classification, Class, Type, Grouping, Kind, Seed, Seeds, Descendants, (Zhong4), Plant, Sow, Raise, Cultivate, Farm, Vaccinate
Class, Classification, Cultivate, Descendants, Farm, Grouping, Kind, Plant, Raise, Seed, Seeds, Sow, Species, Type, Vaccinate
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