月落 yueˋ luoˋ

Moonset, Setting of the moon


wuˊ shuˋ ciˋ de˙ riˋ sheng ˉ yueˋ luoˋ

(Countless) Countless sunrises and moonsets


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Rhymes: yue wo

rh: yueˋ luoˋ 月落

rh: lueˋ duoˊ 掠奪


rh: lueˋ guoˋ 掠過


rh: que ˉ huoˋ 缺貨


rh: xueˊ guoˋ 學過


rh: xueˊ shuo ˉ 學說


rh: xueˊ shuoˋ 學碩


rh: yueˋ duo ˉ 越多


Moonset, Setting

< Moon, Month, Monthly, Calendar, Female, Menses, Platform, Station Platform

Calendar, Female, Menses, Month, Monthly, Moon, Platform, Station

< Drop, Fall, Dropping, Falling, Leaving behind, Touching Down, Landing, Allright

Allright, Drop, Dropping, Fall, Falling, Landing, Leaving, Touching


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