期望 qi ˉ wangˋ

To expect, Expect, Expects, Expecting, Expected, To hope, Hope, Hopes, Hoping, Hoped, To desire, Desire, Desires, Desiring, Desired


qi ˉ wangˋ bianˋ huaˋ

(Expect, Expected, Expecting, Expects) Expect change, Expects change, Expecting change, Expected change


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suoˇ qi ˉ wangˋ de˙ gaiˇ bianˋ

(Desired) Desired change, Desired changes


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chuangˋ zaoˋ suoˇ qi ˉ wangˋ huoˋ zhiˇ dingˋ de˙ bianˋ huaˋ jiuˋ gengˋ weiˊ rongˊ yiˋ le˙

(Creating) Creating the desired or designated change is then easier


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Rhymes: yi wang

rh: qi ˉ wangˋ 期望

rh: qiˇ wangˋ 企望


rh: qiˇ chuangˊ 起床


rh: xi ˉ wangˋ 希望


rh: xi ˉ zhuangˉ 西裝


rh: yiˊ wangˋ 遺忘


rh: yiˇ wangˇ 以往


rh: yiˇ wangˋ 已忘


rh: yiˋ wangˇ 一往


rh: yiˇ chuangˋ 已創


rh: yiˋ chuangˊ 一幢


rh: yiˋ huangˇ 一晃


rh: yiˋ shuang ˉ 一雙


rh: yiˋ zhuangˋ 異狀


rh: biˋ shuang ˉ 閉雙


rh: diˋ wangˊ 帝王


rh: di ˉ guangˉ 低光


rh: jiˋ wangˋ 冀望


rh: ji ˉ guangˉ 激光


rh: jiˇ guang ˉ 幾光


rh: ji ˉ huangˉ 飢荒


rh: ji ˉ huangˉ 饑荒


rh: jiˊ zhuang ˉ 集裝


rh: liˊ zhuangˋ 梨狀


rh: liˋ zhuangˋ 粒狀


rh: miˊ wangˇ 迷惘


rh: niˇ wangˋ 你忘


rh: niˋ guang ˉ 逆光


rh: niˊ zhuangˋ 泥狀


Desire, Desired, Desires, Desiring, Expect, Expected, Expecting, Expects, Hope, Hoped, Hopes, Hoping, To desire, To expect, To hope

< Week, Term, Phase, Period, Period of time, Stage, Hope, (Ji1), One Year

Hope, One Year, Period, Period Of Time, Phase, Stage, Term, Week

< Gaze, Look from afar, Gaze Into The Distance, Hope, Wish, Desire

Desire, Gaze, Hope, Look from, Wish





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