zaiˋ xueˊ xiˊ renˋ heˊ xiˋ tongˇ de˙ tiaoˊ kuanˇ zhong ˉ
(In terms of) In terms of learning any system
Rhymes: yao wan
rh: tiaoˊ kuanˇ 條款
rh: xiaoˇ wanˊ 小玩
rh: xiaoˇ chuanˊ 小船
rh: xiaoˇ zhuanˋ 小篆
rh: yaoˋ wanˊ 藥丸
rh: yaoˇ duanˋ 咬斷
rh: diaoˋ zhuanˇ 調轉
rh: jiaoˋ duanˇ 較短
rh: jiao ˉ guanˋ 嬌慣
rh: jiaoˋ guan ˉ 教官
rh: jiao ˉ huanˋ 交換
rh: jiaoˇ kuanˇ 繳款
rh: jiaoˋ tuanˊ 教團
rh: niaoˇ guan ˉ 鳥官
條< Strip, Orderly, Logical, In order, Sequentially, One by one, Article, Section, Clause, Legal document, String, Stripe, River
Article, Clause, In order, Legal document, Logical, One by one, Orderly, River, Section, Sequentially, String, Strip, Stripe
款< Specification, Item, Article, Account entry, Sum Of Money, Submit, Fund, Signature, Style, Act, Knock at a door, Entertain, Proceed slowly, Intimate, Heart felt, Sincere, Empty
Account, Act, Article, Empty, Entertain, Fund, Heart, Intimate, Item, Knock, Proceed, Signature, Sincere, Specification, Style, Submit, Sum Of Money
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