Money, Funds
Rhymes: wan yang
rh: kuanˇ xiangˋ 款項
rh: luanˋ xiangˇ 亂想
rh: zhuan ˉ qiangˊ 磚牆
rh: zhuanˇ xiangˋ 轉向
rh: wanˊ qiangˊ 頑強
rh: chuanˊ jiangˇ 船槳
rh: duan ˉ xiangˊ 端詳
rh: guanˋ yangˇ 灌氧
款< Specification, Item, Article, Account entry, Sum Of Money, Submit, Fund, Signature, Style, Act, Knock at a door, Entertain, Proceed slowly, Intimate, Heart felt, Sincere, Empty
Account, Act, Article, Empty, Entertain, Fund, Heart, Intimate, Item, Knock, Proceed, Signature, Sincere, Specification, Style, Submit, Sum Of Money
項< Nape, Nape of the neck, Back Of The Neck, Nuchal, Sum, Item, Items, Term, Terms, Funds, Project
Back of the, Funds, Item, Items, Nape, Nuchal, Project, Sum, Term, Terms
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