zhengˋ xiaˋ fang ˉ diˋ mianˋ shangˋ shiˋ shenˊ me˙
(What is) What is on the ground below? | What is below us?
正 zhengˋ zheng ˉ
In the process of, in the process of, In the midst of, Correct, Appropriate, Justified, Pure, Straight, Straightforward, Honest, Virtuous, Upright, Person in charge, Principal, Main, Exactly, Just right, Punctual, Unbiased, Just, (zheng1), First Month Of The Year
下方 xiaˋ fangˉ
地面 diˋ mianˋ
(Earth's, Floor, Ground) Ground, Earth's surface, Floor
上 shangˋ
On, Above, Up, High, Over, On top of, Before, Begin, Get on, Start
是什麼 shiˋ shenˊ me˙
(What, What is it, What would) What, What is it?, What would be
什麼 shenˊ me˙
(What) What, What?
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