穿鞋 chuan ˉ xieˊ

To wear shoes, Wear shoes, Wears shoes, Wearing shoes, Wore shoes

穿鞋 meiˊ chuan ˉ xieˊ

(Wasn't) Wasn't wearing shoes

Cat: Clothing-Footwear (Wasn't wearing shoes) Next


, 穿,


ta ˉ meiˊ chuan ˉ xieˊ

(He wasn't) He wasn't wearing shoes


, , 穿,


ta ˉ meiˊ chuan ˉ xieˊ

(She wasn't) She wasn't wearing shoes


, , 穿,

Rhymes: wan ye

rh: chuan ˉ xieˊ 穿鞋

rh: duanˋ lieˋ 斷裂


rh: duanˋ tieˇ 鍛鐵


rh: guan ˉ jieˉ 官階


rh: guan ˉ jieˊ 關節


rh: guan ˉ qieˋ 關切


rh: huanˊ jieˊ 環節


rh: huanˇ jieˇ 緩解


rh: tuanˊ jieˊ 團結


rh: zhuan ˉ yeˋ 專業


rh: zhuanˇ jie ˉ 轉接


rh: zhuanˋ xieˇ 撰寫


rh: zuanˋ jieˋ 鑽戒


To wear, Wear

穿< Wear, Put on, Penetrate, Pierce, Pass through, Thread

Pass through, Penetrate, Pierce, Put on, Thread, Wear

< Shoes






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