結 jieˊ jie ˉ
(Bear, Become, Coagulate, Congeal, Connect, Durable, Form, Join, Knot, Node, Outcome, Pay off, Result, Settle, Stammer, Strong, Stutter, Tie, Tough, Unite, Weave)
Unite, Join, Connect, Node, Form, Tie, Knot, Weave, Congeal, Coagulate, Outcome, Result, Become, Bear fruit, Pay off, Settle, (jie1), Tough, Strong, Durable, Stutter, Stammer
jieˊ shuangˉ
(Frost, Frosted, Frosting, Frosts, To frost)
To frost, Frost, Frosts, Frosting, Frosted
zhongˉ jieˊ
(Conclude, Concludes, Conclusion, End, Ends, Terminate, Terminated, Terminates)
Conclusion, End, Terminate, Conclude, Terminates, Ends, Concludes, Terminated
jiuˉ jieˊ
(Banded, Collaborated, Entwined, Tangled)
Tangled, Entwined, Banded together, Collaborated
chengˊ qunˊ jieˊ duiˋ de˙
Banded together, Working as a group
daˇ jieˊ
(Kink, Kinks, Knot, Knots, Knotted, Knotting, Made a, Make a, Makes a, Making a, Tie Up, Tie a, Tied, Tied up, Ties, Tying)
Make a knot, Makes a knot, Making a knot, Made a knot, Tie a knot, Ties a knot, Tying a knot, Tied a knot, Tie up, Ties up, Tying up, Tied up, Knot, Knots, Knotting, Knotted, Kink, Kinks
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