Party, Get together, Meeting, Meetings
niˇ can ˉ jia ˉ guoˋ duo ˉ shaoˇ ciˋ juˋ huiˋ
(How many, more parties) The more parties you go to, How many parties have you been to?
niˇ kanˋ yiˊ xiaˋ diˋ ba ˉ changˇ juˋ huiˋ
(Take a look) Take a look at the eighth meeting
Rhymes: yu wei
rh: juˋ huiˋ 聚會
rh: luuˇ chui ˉ 縷炊
rh: quˋ weiˋ 趣味
rh: qu ˉ huiˉ 麴徽
rh: quˇ huiˊ 取回
rh: quˋ shuiˋ 去睡
rh: xu ˉ weiˇ 虛偽
rh: xu ˉ weiˋ 須為
rh: xuˋ shuiˇ 蓄水
rh: yuˊ duiˋ 於對
rh: yu ˉ huiˊ 迂迴
rh: yuˊ hui ˉ 餘暉
rh: yuˇ shuiˇ 雨水
rh: yuˇ suiˊ 與隨
Get together, Meeting, Meetings, Party
聚< Gather, Assemble, Come together, Meet, Accumulate
Accumulate, Assemble, Come together, Gather, Meet
會< Can, Can be, Able, Able to be, Shall, Shall be, Will, Will be, To meet, Meet, Meets, Meeting, Met, To gather, Gather, Gathers, Gathering, Gathered, To assemble, Assemble, Assembles, Assembling, Assembled
Able, Able To, Assemble, Assembles, Assembling, Can, Can be, Gather, Gathered, Gathering, Gathers, Meet, Meeting, Meets, Met, Shall, To assemble, To gather, To meet, Will, Will be
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