Color, Sensual, Sensuality, Expression, Appearance, Look
Cat: Radical (139, Color) Next
色香味 seˋ xiang ˉ weiˋ
(Appealing, Appetizing, Color) Color, flavor and taste, Appealing to look at and smell, Appetizing
色散 seˋ sanˋ
(Disperse, Dispersed, Disperses, Dispersing, Dispersion, Scatter, Scattered, Scattering, Scatters) Dispersion, Scattering, Disperse, Disperses, Dispersing, Dispersed, Scatter, Scatters, Scattered
Cat: Math-Science-Optics (Dispersion) Next
咖啡色 ka ˉ fei ˉ seˋ
(Brown, Coffee) Coffee colored, brown
辨色力 bianˋ seˋ liˋ
(Color, ability to) Color vision, Color discernment ability, Ability to distinguish colors
heˊ yanˊ yueˋ seˋ
(Carefully, Look happy, Pleasant, Pleasantly) Look happy or pleased, Pleasant countenance, Pleasantly, Carefully
碳色 tanˋ seˋ
(Charcoal, Gray) Charcoal color, Gray
a ˉ kenˇ seˋ zhou ˉ
(Arkansas) Arkansas
Cat: Latest (Name-place-state: Arkansas) Next
Cat: Name-Place-State (Arkansas) Next
色< Color, Sensual, Sensuality, Expression, Appearance, Look
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