製品 zhiˋ pinˇ


製品 fuˋ zhiˋ pinˇ

(Duplicate, Replica, Reproduction) Reproduction, Duplicate, Replica


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yiˊ ge˙ gen ˉ ta ˉ yiˋ moˊ yiˊ yangˋ de˙ fuˋ zhiˋ pinˇ

(Exact) An exact copy of him, An exact replica of himself


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yiˊ ge˙ gen ˉ ta ˉ yiˋ moˊ yiˊ yangˋ de˙ fuˋ zhiˋ pinˇ

(Exact) An exact copy of her, An exact replica of herself


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仿製品 fangˇ zhiˋ pinˇ

(Copy, Imitation) Imitation, Copy


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製品 ruˇ zhiˋ pinˇ

(Dairy) Dairy products


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mianˋ fenˇ zhiˋ pinˇ

(Flour, Products) Flour products, Products made from flour


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製品 douˋ zhiˋ pinˇ

(Bean) Bean products


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Rhymes: i yin

rh: zhiˋ pinˇ 製品

rh: zhiˊ qinˊ 執勤


rh: zhiˋ xinˋ 置信


rh: ziˋ yin ˉ 字音


rh: zi ˉ jinˉ 資金


rh: ziˋ jin ˉ 自今


rh: ziˇ minˊ 子民


rh: ziˋ xinˋ 自信


rh: chi ˉ xinˉ 痴心


rh: riˋ xin ˉ 日新


rh: shiˋ yin ˉ 是因


rh: shiˇ jinˋ 使勁


rh: shiˋ minˊ 市民


rh: shiˊ pinˇ 食品


rh: shiˋ pinˊ 視頻


rh: shiˋ pinˇ 飾品


rh: shi ˉ xinˉ 師心


rh: siˇ yin ˉ 死因


rh: si ˉ jinˉ 絲巾


rh: si ˉ xinˉ 私心


rh: siˇ xin ˉ 死心


rh: zhiˊ yin ˉ 直音


rh: zhiˇ yin ˉ 只因


rh: zhiˇ yinˇ 指引


rh: zhiˇ yinˋ 指印


rh: zhi ˉ jinˇ 織錦


rh: zhi ˉ jinˋ 之近


rh: zhiˋ jin ˉ 至今



< Produce, Make, Create, Compose, Manufacture

Compose, Create, Make, Manufacture, Produce

< Commodity, Product, Article, Item, Thing, Rank, Appraise, Character, Personality

Appraise, Article, Character, Commodity, Item, Personality, Product, Rank, Thing









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All rights reserved.