

sheˋ jiˋ le˙

(Designed, Devised, Mapped, Planned)

Designed | Devised | Planned | Mapped out

設計 sheˋ jiˋ

(Design, Designed, Designing, Designs, Devise, Devised, Devises, Devising, Map out, Mapped, Mapping, Maps, Plan, Planned, Planning, Plans, Project, To design, To devise, To map, To plan)

Project, To design, Design, Designs, Designing, Designed, To devise, Devise, Devises, Devising, Devised, To plan, Plan, Plans, Planning, Planned, To map out, Map out, Maps out, Mapping out, Mapped out

le˙ liaoˇ liaoˋ

(Complete, Comprehend, End, Finish, Understand, Whole)

Whole, Complete, Finish, End, (Liao3), Understand, Comprehend


Arrange, Devise, Display, Establish, Furnish, Lay out, Plan, Set up, Supposing..., What if...

Arrange, Lay out, Set Up, Furnish, Establish, Devise, Plan out, Display, What if..., Supposing...

Design, Plan, Plot, Scheme

Plan, Design, Scheme, Plot

Complete, Comprehend, End, Finish, Understand, Whole

Whole, Complete, Finish, End, (Liao3), Understand, Comprehend

Word chars

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