jinˋ ruˋ ta ˉ de˙ shiˋ xianˋ fanˋ weiˊ
(Enter, Entered) Enter her line of sight | Entered her line of sight
進入 jinˋ ruˋ
(Enter, Entered, Entering, Enters, Get into, Go into, Goes into, Going into, Got into, Into, To enter, To go) Into, To enter, Enter, Enters, Entering, Entered, To go into, Go into, Goes into, Going into, Get into, Got into
她的 taˉ de˙
(Her) Her
視線 shiˋ xianˋ
(Sight, View, Vision) Sight, View, Vision
視線範圍 shiˋ xianˋ fanˋ weiˊ
(Line of) Line of sight
範圍 fanˋ weiˊ
(Framework, Range, Scope, Sphere) Range, Scope, Sphere, Framework
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