Bag, Bundle, Confident, Contain, Embrace, Envelope, Guarantee, Hug, Include, Kit, Package, Sack, Take charge of, Wrap
Carry, Cherish, Embrace, Hold, Hug, Surround
Brush, Collect, Drag, Embrace, Gather, Hug, Pull, Solicit
Blackmail, Clasp, Embrace, Extort, Hold hostage, Hold under, Presume
Crowd, Embrace, Follow, Gather, Have, Hold, Hug, Possess, Support, Throng
Bag, Case, Embrace, Include, Purse, Sack
Embrace, Hug
Embrace, Embraced, Embraces, Embracing, Held, Hold, Holding, Holds, Hug, Hugged, Hugging, Hugs, To embrace, To hold, To hug
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