Case, Example, Instance, Precedent, Regular, Regulation, Routine, Rule, Standard
Case, Desk, File, Incident, Record, Table
Case, Small box
Case, Coat, Convention, Cover, Covering, Envelope, Form, Formula, Harness, Jacket, Model, Noose, Pattern, Put on, Sheath, Slip, Snare, Suit, Tightly, To trick, Trap, Wear, Wrapper
Bag, Case, Embrace, Include, Purse, Sack
Case, Holster
Box, Case
Case, Cases
Case, Cases
Case, Criminal
Case, Cases, Circumstance, Circumstances, Situation, Situations, State of affairs
Case contains
English (and Chinese Chars for) page
init Shapes | final Shapes | phone Shapes | phone inits | phone finals | English | cats
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