Abbreviated, Approximate, Brief, Force, Inspect, Invade, Leave Out, Map out, Overview, Plan, Plunder, Rough, Scheme, Seduce, Sketch, Slight, Subdue, Summarize, Survey
Bridle, Collect, Gather, Headstall, Refuse to, Relax, Summarize
Ask for, Blackmail, Brief, Coerce, Demand, Engage, Essential, Examine, If, Important, In case, Investigate, Invite, Make an, Midriff, Necessary, Necessity, Need, Ought to, Require, Shall, Should, Stop, Summarize, Summary, Threaten, Waist, Want, Will
Expose, Extract, Pick, Pluck, Remove, Summarize, Take off
Compile, Summarize
Conclusion, Sum Up, Summarize, Summarized, Summarizes, Summarizing, Summation, Summed, Summing, Sums, To sum up, To summarize
Sum Up, Summarize
Hold a, Key points, Summarize
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