Collect, Examine, Experience, Gather, Inspect, Look at, Read, Review, Study
Dark, Destitute, Dim, Examine, Grievous, Hidden, Metaphor, Not evident, Not obvious, Obscure, Painful, Parable, Poor, Retire, Riddle, Study, Unseen
Auditor, College, Confine, Control, Direct, Examine, Imprison, Inspector, Jail, Monitor, Oversee, Proctor, Supervise, Supervisor
Check, Examine, Experience, Test, Verify
Depend On, Examine, Guard, Look after, Look at, Observe, Present, Read, Scrutinize, See, Take care of, Visit, Watch
Bow, Examine, Inspect, Investigate, Kowtow
Attempt, Compare, Examine, Experiment, Probation, Test, Trial, Trial run, Try, Use
Diagnose, Examine, Report, Tell
Attentive, Careful, Examine, Truth
Complete, Comprehensive, Consider, Detailed, Examine, Explain, Interpret, Read Carefully, Think
Deliberate, Discern, Distinguish, Examine, Investigate, Judge, Review, Trial
Discern, Examine, Inquire, Inspect, Investigate, Look into, Observe
Actually, After All, Cross, Dig, Eventually, Examine, Finally, In the end, Investigate, Really, Scrutinize, Study
Crossed, Dish, Examine, Interrogate, Intertwined, Investigate, Plate, Tangled, Tray, Twisted, Winding
Appraise, Appreciate, Distinguish, Examine, Mirror, Reflect, Study
Comprehend, Economize, Economizing, Examine, Frugal, Leave Out, Memory, Omit, Province, Save, Test, Understand, Visit
Check, Collate, Compare, Examine, Investigate
Examine, Investigate, Test
Ask for, Blackmail, Brief, Coerce, Demand, Engage, Essential, Examine, If, Important, In case, Investigate, Invite, Make an, Midriff, Necessary, Necessity, Need, Ought to, Require, Shall, Should, Stop, Summarize, Summary, Threaten, Waist, Want, Will
Check, Examine, Investigate, Take a, Test, Verify
Check, Examine, Investigate, Look for, Refer To, Research, Search
Accompany, Alike, Countenance, Examine, Look at, Mutual, Photo, Picture, Side by side, Similar, Study, Together, Towards
Atom, Check, Core, Examine, Hard lump, Investigate, Nucleus, Seed, Study, Verify
Examine, Examined, Examines, Examining, Look at, Looked at, Looking at, Looks at, To examine, To look at, To treat, Treat, Treated, Treating, Treats
Examine, Examined, Examines, Look closely, Looked closely, Looks
(Examined, Examines, Look closely, Looked closely, Looks)
Decide, Evaluate, Examine, Judge
Examine, Examined, Examines, Examining, Review, Reviewed, Reviewing, Reviews
Appraise, Examine
Examine, Investigate
Examine, Inspect, Observe, Study
Assess, Examine
Examine, Find out, Investigate, Uncover
Examine, Examined, Examines, Examining, Review, Reviewed, Reviewing, Reviews, View, Viewed, Viewing, Views
Examine, Examining, Identify, Probe, Probing, Searching for, Sound, Survey
Examine and approve
Examine and calculate
Examine patient
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