By, Cause, Make, So, Therefore, Use
Any, Appoint, Duty, Employ, Mission, Office, Use
Ambassador, Apply, Cause, Diplomat, Dispatch, Emissary, Employ, Enable, Envoy, Indulge, Make, Messenger, Representative, Resort, Use
I, Me, My, Our, Ourselves, Use, We
Act, Apply, Carry, Dispense, Display, Distribute, Employ, Execute, Take action, Use
Apply, Employ, Exert, Operate, Radical, Sample, Try, Use
Achieve, Perform, Performance, Pursue, Result, Spin, Twist, Use
Avail, Confusion, Cushion, Disorder, Excuse, Mat, Pad, Pretext, Rely, Take, Use
Attempt, Compare, Examine, Experiment, Probation, Test, Trial, Try, Use
Avail, Take, Use, Utilize, While
Apply, Fate, Fortune, Luck, Move, Transport, Use
Employ, Employed, Employing, Employs, Resort, Resorted, Resorting, Resorts, To, Use, Used, Uses, Using
Function, Use
Application, Applied, Applies, Apply, Applying, To, Use, When
Adopt, Use
Consume, Consumed, Consumes, Consuming, To, Use, Used, Uses, Using
Application, How, Use
Purpose, Use, Usefulness
Purpose, Use
Use a big knife to cut something tiny
Use a funnel to add more alcohol
Use a pen and paper to calculate
Use abusive language without provocation or justification
Use all kinds of methods to travel
Use an ATM card to withdraw money
Use an opponents plan against them
Use as defense against bad people
Use flowers like an umbrella to escape the rain
Use of words to convey meaning
Use other parts of the body as
Use other parts of the body to
Use our eyes and ears to sense
Use the components as references
Use the left hand to write with or print
Use the power of light to move
Use the term relationship to refer to only two connected components
Use them to notice information or change
Use these these fears for strength
Use this knowing to get into the fluid mind-state
Use (for transport)
Use a knife
Use all
Use an awl to pierce
Use as a model
Use electricity
Use fingers
Use fire
Use foot
Use force
Use force (to)
Use fork
Use greater force
Use mortar and pestle
Use of words to convey meaning
Use often
Use the internet
Use the term relationship to refer to only two connected components
Use to
Use together
Use tongs
Use torture
Use without thought or awareness
Use your
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