Act, Acted, Acting, Action, Acts, Alter, Altered, Altering, Alters, Change, Changes, Changing, Creature, Do exercise, Exercise, Happen, Happened, Happening, Happens, Move, Moved, Movement, Moves, Moving
Move, Move to
Banish, Change, Move, Shift, Transfer
Apply, Fate, Fortune, Luck, Move, Transport, Use
Anxious, Apply, Author, Bear, Become, Catch, Composer, Focus, Get to, Land, Move, Poet, Set forth, Start, Touch, Verb Ending, Wear, Writer
Change Location, Go on, Locomote, Move, Move About, Walk
Admit, Beckon, Cause, Confess, Device, Entice, Incite, Influence, Invite, Move, Poster, Provoke, Receive, Recruit, Signboard, Summon, Trick, Welcome
Move, Shake
Move, Shift
Carry, Move, Offer, Present, Shift, Transport
Beckon, Conduct, Control, Drill, Exercise, Handle, Hold, Manage, Move, Operate, Summon, Wave, Wield
Change, Drop, Fade, Fall, Lose, Move, Shake, Substitute, Turn, Verb Ending, Wag
Continually, Convey, Indirect, Migrate, Move, Revolve, Rotate, Roundabout, Spin, Transfer, Transport, Turn
Connect to, Move, Touch
Combine, Consolidate, Merge, Move, Recombine
Action, Gesture, Labor, Motion, Move, Moved, Movement, Moves, Moving, To act, To move, Work
Adjust, Adjusted, Adjusting, Adjusts, Move, Moved, Moves, Moving, Shift, Shifted, Shifting, Shifts
Encourage, Encouraged, Inspire, Inspired, Move, Moved
Change position, Move, Shift
Move, Transport
move (A)
Move (house)
Move (house) away
Move (house) to
Move (something) into
Move (to)
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