Company, Control, Manage, Officer, Preside, Take charge of
Attend to, Control, Drive, Imperial, Manage, Present, Wait on
Be in, Control, Guarantee, Heed, Key, Look after, Manage, Pay Attention To, Pipe, Provide, Regulate, Run, Straw, Tube, Wind Instrument
Count, Counter, Devise, Manage, Plan, Tally, Ticket
Act, And so, As, Because, Cause, Create, Do, For, For the sake, For this reason, Handle, Manage, Serve, To
Deal with, Do, Go About, Handle, Manage, Run, Set up
Administer, Cure, Govern, Harness, Heal, Manage, Punish, Regulate, Research, Rule, Study, Treat
Administer, Barracks, Camp, Manage, Nourish, Nutrition, Operate, Run
Anticipate, Calculate, Cloth, Conjecture, Estimate, Expect, Fabric, Foresee, Guess, Imagine, Infer, Manage, Material, Reckon, Stuff, Substance
Accept, Appropriate, Consider, During, Manage, Mortgage, Pawn, Pledge, Proper, Undertake, Use As, When, While, Work as
Clap, In charge, Manage, Manager, Palm, Slap, Wield
Alley, Do, Doing, Fix, Fool, General, Get, Lane, Make, Make Fun Of, Manage, Mess with, Ridicule
Administer, Arrange, Comprehend, Govern, Grain, Manage, Principle, Reason, Science, Structure, Texture, Theory, Understand
Career, Direct, Duties, Duty, Govern, Job, Manage, Office,,Only, Particularly, Position, Post, Profession, Vocation
Direct, Manage, Oversee, Supervise
Deal with, Deal with, Decide, Department, Dwell, Handle, Live, Location, Maiden, Manage, Pass, Place, Positioning, Prescribe, Punish, Recluse, Reside, Special, Spot, Virgin
Abolish, Cut out, Decide, Disarm, Eliminate, Judge, Manage, Reduce, Regulate, Tailor, Trim
Abilities, Able, Capable, Core, Do, Kill, Main, Manage, Take care of, Talents, Trunk
Control, Govern, Manage, Nurture
Centimeter, Change status, Correct, Formulate, Manage, Reform, Revise
Administer, Arrange, Handle, Make Plans, Manage, Organize, Prepare For, Put in order
Direct, Grasp, Hold, Maintain, Manage, Support
Carry, Cause, Control, Hold, Lift, Manage, Mention, Obtain, Pull Up, Raise
Beckon, Conduct, Control, Drill, Exercise, Handle, Hold, Manage, Move, Operate, Summon, Wave, Wield
Accuse, Charge, Control, Draw a, Hit, Manage, Manipulate, Throw
Manage, Take care of
Clear Away, Gather, Manage, Pick up, Punish, Put in order, Tidy up, Torture
Manage, Manager
Agent, Broker, Manage, Manager
Handle, Manage
Administer, Govern, Manage, To administer, To govern, To manage
Dominant, Guide, Guided, Guides, Guiding, Lead, Leading, Leads, Led, Main, Manage, Managed, Manages, Managing, Overriding, To guide, To lead, To manage
Handle, Manage, Take care of
Arrange, Japanese, Japanese style, Manage, Take care of
Administer, Administrator, Board, Manage
Deal with, Manage
Administer, Allocate, Arrange, Govern, Manage, To administer, To arrange, To control, To manage
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