Condition, Control, Dominate, Establish, Institute, Limit, Prevail, Regulate, Restrain, Restrict, Suppress, System
Agenda, Course, Form, Journey, Order, Procedure, Program, Regulate, Regulation, Rule, Schedule, Sequence
Be in, Control, Guarantee, Heed, Key, Look after, Manage, Pay Attention To, Pipe, Provide, Regulate, Run, Straw, Tube, Wind Instrument
Chapter, Compose, Manifest, Organize, Regulate, Regulation, Seal, Section, Stamp, Write
Administer, Cure, Govern, Harness, Heal, Manage, Punish, Regulate, Research, Rule, Study, Treat
Balanced, Calm, Conquer, Control, Equal, Even, Flat, Level, Pacify, Peaceful, Quell, Regulate, Tied
Abolish, Cut out, Decide, Disarm, Eliminate, Judge, Manage, Reduce, Regulate, Tailor, Trim
Adjust, Block, Correct, Form, Frame, Grid, Guideline, Influence, Obstruct, Pattern, Reach, Regulate, Resist, Rule, Standard, Trellis
Adjust, Economize, Regulate, Restrain
Adjust, Moderate, Regulate, Vary
Adjust, Adjusted, Adjusting, Adjustment, Adjusts, Made changes, Make changes, Makes, Making, Regulate, Regulated, Regulates, Regulating, To adjust, To make, To regulate, To tune, To vary, Tune, Tuned, Tunes, Tuning, Varied, Varies, Vary, Varying
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