Begin, Drive, Hold an, Open, Operate, Run, Start, Write
Be in, Control, Guarantee, Heed, Key, Look after, Manage, Pay Attention To, Pipe, Provide, Regulate, Run, Straw, Tube, Wind Instrument
Deal with, Do, Go About, Handle, Manage, Run, Set up
Administer, Barracks, Camp, Manage, Nourish, Nutrition, Operate, Run
Run, Run around
Run, Running
Operate, Run
Function, Functioned, Functioning, Functions, Operate, Operated, Operates, Operating, Ran, Run, Running, Runs, To function, To operate, To run, To work, Work, Worked, Working, Works
Function, Functioned, Functioning, Functions, Operational, Ran, Run, Running, Runs, Stir, Stirred, Stirring, Stirs, To function, To run, To stir, To work, Work, Worked, Working, Works
Run, Run quickly, Rush
Run (there)
English (and Chinese Chars for) page
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