Adjust, Begin, Commence, Devise, Found, Incur, Make right, Originate
Adjust, Balance, Blend, Collect, Harmonize, Lure, Mediate, Melody, Mix, Mobilize, Reassign, Recall, Recuperate, Tone, Transfer, Tune, Unify
Adjust, Harmonize
Adjust, Block, Correct, Form, Frame, Grid, Guideline, Influence, Obstruct, Pattern, Reach, Regulate, Resist, Rule, Standard, Trellis
Adjust, Economize, Regulate, Restrain
Adjust, Appropriate, Correct, Dial, Dispel, Move aside, Nudge, Remove, Shift, Toy with
Adjust, Adjusted, Adjusting, Adjusts, Move, Moved, Moves, Moving, Shift, Shifted, Shifting, Shifts
Adjust, Adjusted, Adjusting, Adjusts, Mediate, Mediated, Mediates, Mediating, To adjust, To mediate
Adjust, Moderate, Regulate, Vary
Adapt, Adjust
Adjust, Adjusted, Adjusting, Adjustment, Adjusts, Made changes, Make changes, Makes, Making, Regulate, Regulated, Regulates, Regulating, To adjust, To make, To regulate, To tune, To vary, Tune, Tuned, Tunes, Tuning, Varied, Varies, Vary, Varying
Adjust, Adjusted, Adjusting, Adjusts, Change, Changed, Changes, Changing, To adjust, To change, To vary, Varied, Varies, Vary, Varying
Adjust, Adjusted, Adjusting, Adjustment, Adjusts, Coordinate, Coordinated, Coordinates, Coordinating, Coordination, To adjust, To coordinate
Adjust alignment
Adjust depth of field
Adjust focus
Adjust for individual ability
Adjust for individual competence
Adjust LCD monitor Brightness
Adjust our position relative to the road
Adjust pitch
Adjust subject to the left or right for a balanced background
Adjust subject's position to the left or right
Adjust the length of the wick
Adjust the truth
Adjust wick length
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