Chant, Mumble, Read, Recite, Study
Belong to, Category, Class, Compose, Detect, Direct, Genus, Governed, Have, Instruct, Request, Search for, Study, Subordinate
Collect, Examine, Experience, Gather, Inspect, Look at, Read, Review, Study
Dark, Destitute, Dim, Examine, Grievous, Hidden, Metaphor, Not evident, Not obvious, Obscure, Painful, Parable, Poor, Retire, Riddle, Study, Unseen
Custom, Follow, Habit, Learn, Practice, Receive, Repeat, Study
Academic, Academy, Copy, Imitate, Learn, Scholar, School, Scientific, Study
Build, Compile, Construct, Cultivate, Cut, Edit, Long, Prune, Repair, Sharpen, Slender, Study, Trim, Write
Careful, Carry with, Correct, Dignified, End, Extreme, Extremity, Hold Level, Limit, Look at, Proper, Solemn, Study, Upright
Attend, Comma, Pause, Read, Study
Administer, Cure, Govern, Harness, Heal, Manage, Punish, Regulate, Research, Rule, Study, Treat
Go to school, Idea, Intone, Memorize, Memory, Miss, Read aloud, Recite, Remember, Study, Think of
Appraise, Appreciate, Distinguish, Examine, Mirror, Reflect, Study
Accompany, Alike, Countenance, Examine, Look at, Mutual, Photo, Picture, Side by side, Similar, Study, Together, Towards
Atom, Check, Core, Examine, Hard lump, Investigate, Nucleus, Seed, Study, Verify
Learn, Study, To learn, To study
Study, To study
Do homework, Do school, Study
Examined, Examines, Look closely, Looked closely, Looks
Read, Read a, Reading, Reading a, Study
Stare at, Study
Read aloud, Recite, Study
Read, Study
Analysis, Analyze, Break down, Study, To analyze, To break down, To study
Analysis, Analyze, Break down, Study, To analyze, To break down, To study
Research, Study
One item, One project, One thing, To research, To study
Study, To study
Research, Study, To research, To study
Examine, Inspect, Observe, Study
Approach, Discuss, Explore, Investigate, Study
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