Miss, Older Sister, Sister, Young Lady
Feel Attached, Long For, Love, Lust, Miss, Yearn
Fail, Fail to, Lose, Miss, Without
Forget, Miss, Neglect, Omit, Overlook
Melancholy, Miss, Nostalgia, Remember, Think about
Go to school, Idea, Intone, Memorize, Memory, Miss, Read aloud, Recite, Remember, Study, Think of
Believe, Idea, Imagine, Miss, Think, Want, Wish
Cheerful, Clean, Cool, Crisp, Fail, Frank, Happy, In Error, Lose, Miss, Open, Pleasant, Refreshing, Straight forward
Go wrong, Miss
Give thought, Miss, Reminisce, Think of, To give, To reminisce, To think of, To want to, Want to
Inferior, Late, Miss, Too slow, Unable to
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