Arteries, Blood, Channels, Meridians, Mountain range, Network, Related, System, Veins
Body, Class, Entity, Essence, Fashion, Form, Group, Shape, Style, Substance, System, Theory, Unit
Connect, Connection, Department, Faculty, Relationship, System, Tie
Condition, Control, Dominate, Establish, Institute, Limit, Prevail, Regulate, Restrain, Restrict, Suppress, System
Form, Pattern, Pose, Posture, Style, System, Type
Assess, Bearing, Capacity, Consider, Degree, Infer, Kilowatt, Manner, Measure, Number of times, Standard, System
Propriety, System
Institution, Organization, System
Device, Gear, Install, Installation, Installed, Installing, Installs, Plant, System, To install
System, Systems
System being modelled
system being modelled (The)
System components
System control
System involved
system involved (The)
system is able to react instantly to anything that happens at the point of contact (The)
system itself (A)
System layout
System Map
System of Confucian justice
System of justice
System view
system we are learning (The)
system we are studying (The)
English (and Chinese Chars for) page
init Shapes | final Shapes | phone Shapes | phone inits | phone finals | English | cats
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