Body, Class, Entity, Essence, Fashion, Form, Group, Shape, Style, Substance, System, Theory, Unit
Appeal, Appearance, Condition, Form, Shape, Situation, State, Status
Appearance, Aspect, Elephant, Figure, Image, Ivory, Shape
Animation, Body, Dark of, Form, Life, Shape, Vigor
Coagulate, Concentrate, Condense, Congeal, Focus, Form, Freeze, Shape
Appearance, Carriage, Deportment, Disposition, Looks, Posture, Shape
Discipline, Forge, Shape, Temper
Apparent, Appear, Appearance, Figure, Form, Shape, Visible
Model, Mold, Pattern, Shape, Style
Appearance, Form, Kind, Looks, Manner, Mode, Pattern, Prototype, Sample, Shape, Sort, Specimen, Style, Variety
Circumstances, Condition, Shape, Situation
Profile, Shape
Figure, Form, Physique, Shape, Structure
Appearance, Form, Shape
Appearance, Form, Shape
Appearance, Countenance, Describe, Description, Form, Shape
Shape, Shaped, Shapes, Shaping
Contour, Contours, Outline, Outlines, Shape, Shapes, Silhouette, Silhouettes
Shape and size
Shape by cutting
Shape of a woman's face
English (and Chinese Chars for) page
init Shapes | final Shapes | phone Shapes | phone inits | phone finals | English | cats
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