Grasp, Hold, Instruct, Maintain, Rule, Take charge of, Wield
Act, Arrest, Carry out, Detain, Execute, Grasp, Hold, Implement, Perform, Seize
Clutch, Dig, Gather, Gather Up, Grasp, Hold, Nip, Pinch, Seize, Strangle
About, Approximately, Around, Bundle, Direct, Give, Grasp, Grip, Guard, Handful, Handle, Hold, Make, Regard as, Sworn, Take, Watch over
Choke, Clutch, Grasp, Key points, Repress, Restrain, Strangle, Strategic, Throttle
Grasp, Monopolize, Seize, Take hold of
Grasp, Hold With
Direct, Grasp, Hold, Maintain, Manage, Support
Capture, Catch, Clutch, Grab, Grasp, Seize
Clench, Grasp, Grip, Hold, Shake Hands
Clutch, Grasp
Attain, Attained, Attaining, Attains, Get to, Gets, Getting, Got to, Grasp, Grasped, Grasping, Grasps, Master, Mastered, Mastering, Masters, To attain, To get, To grasp, To hold, To master
Grasp, Grasped, Grasping, Grasps, Had grasped, Had mastered, Has grasped, Have grasped, Have mastered, Master, Mastered, Mastering, Masters, To grasp, To have, To master
(Attain, Attained, Attaining, Attains, Get to, Gets, Getting, Got to, To attain, To get, To hold)
Grasp, Grasped, Grasping, Grasps, Held, Hold, Holding, Holds, Seize, Seized, Seizes, Seizing, To grasp, To hold, To seize
Confident, Grasp, Seize, Sure, Take In
Grasp firmly
Grasp Sparrows Tail (Roll Back, Press then Push)
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