Fixed, Hard, Immobile, Inherent, Intrinsic, Price, Solid, Stable, Strong, Sturdy, Sure
Certain, Firm, Solid, Stable, Steady, Sure
Breach, Break, Burst, Certain, Conclude, Decide, Definite, Determine, Execute, Judge, Put to, Sure
Authentic, Certain, Correct, Firm, Firmly, Real, Sure, True, Valid
Accurate, Relentless, Sure
Certain, Sure
Certain, Correct, Define, Defined, Defines, Defining, Definite, Definitely, Determine, Positive, Right, Sure, To define, To determine, True
Certain, Sure, Without a doubt
Correct, Define, Defined, Defines, Defining, Definite, Definitely, Determine, Positive, Right, To define, To determine, True
Bound, Certain, Certainly, Inevitable, Sure, Undoubtedly
Sure it's okay
Sure to
Sure to make
sure way to shock the vast majority of people (A)
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