Resolve, See clearly, Visualize
(Am clear, Are clear, Clearly, Is clear, Knew, Know, Knowing, Knows, To be clear, To know, To understand, Understand, Understanding, Understands, Understood, Was clear, Were clear, Without ambiguity)
Imaginary, Imagination, Imagine, Imagined, Imagines, Imagining, Think, Thinking, Thinks, Thought, To imagine, To think, To visualize, To wonder, Visualize, Visualized, Visualizes, Visualizing, Wonder, Wondered, Wondering, Wonders
(Think about, Think about it, Want to see, Wish)
Visualize and trace a signal
Visualize and track one signal at a time
English (and Chinese Chars for) page
init Shapes | final Shapes | phone Shapes | phone inits | phone finals | English | cats
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