yiˊ ciˋ shiˋ jueˊ huaˋ hanˋ zhui ˉ zong ˉ yiˊ ge˙ xinˋ haoˋ
(Visualize) Visualize and track one signal at a time
一次 yiˊ ciˋ
(A, At a, First, Once, One, One at, Single) A, One, Once, First, Single, One at a time, At a time
視覺 shiˋ jueˊ
(Sense of, View, Vision) Vision, Sense of sight, View
視覺化 shiˋ jueˊ huaˋ
(Visualize) Visualize
和 hanˋ heˊ heˋ huoˊ huoˋ
Together with, together with, Peaceful, Harmonious, Calm, Mix, Blend, Unify, Soft, Warm, With, And
追蹤 zhuiˉ zongˉ
(Locate, Located, Locates, Locating, To located, To trace, To track, Trace, Traced, Traces, Tracing, Track, Tracked, Tracking, Tracks) To track, Track, Tracks, Tracking, Tracked, To trace, Trace, Traces, Tracing, Traced, To located, Locate, Locates, Locating, Located
一個 yiˊ ge˙
信號 xinˋ haoˋ
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