
廣角端 guangˇ jiaoˇ duan ˉ

Wide angle end (of a zoom lens)

< Vast, Wide, Spread out, Big, Numerous

< Corner, Point, Angle, Character, Compete, Wrestle, Horn Shaped Instrument, Note, (Jue2), Actor, Role, Player, Retired

< End, Extreme, Extremity, Limit, Correct, Proper, Solemn, Upright, Dignified, Careful, Carry with both hands, Hold Level With Both Hands, Study, Look At


< Big, Numerous, Spread out, Vast, Wide

< Actor, Angle, Character, Compete, Corner, Horn, Note, Player, Point, Retired, Role, Wrestle

< Careful, Carry with, Correct, Dignified, End, Extreme, Extremity, Hold Level, Limit, Look at, Proper, Solemn, Study, Upright


Wide angle end (of a zoom lens)

guangˇ jiaoˇ duan ˉ


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