戒掉 jieˋ diaoˋ
To quit, Quit, Quits, Quitting, To give up, Give up, Gives up, Giving up, Gave up
Gave, Give up, Gives, Giving, Quit, Quits, Quitting, To give up, To quit
戒 Abstain from, Admonish, Caution, Commandment, Give up, Guard Against, Swear, Warn
掉 Change, Drop, Fade, Fall, Lose, Move, Shake, Substitute, Turn, Verb Ending, Wag
Words with shared element: 戒掉
jieˋ diaoˋ
To quit | Quit | Quits | Quitting | To give up | Give up | Gives up | Giving up | Gave up
戒備, 戒癮, 戒酒, 戒菸, 戒指, 戒掉, 婚戒, 鑽戒, 警戒掉:
掉隊, 掉出來, 掉了下去, 掉了下來, 掉色, 掉得, 掉進, 掉入, 掉落, 掉頭, 掉到, 掉下來, 掉在半路, 吃掉, 踢掉, 關掉, 刪掉, 甩掉, 脫掉, 除掉, 吸收掉, 把二氧化碳吸收掉, 斷掉, 剝掉, 飛掉, 毀掉, 勾掉, 失掉, 停掉, 丟掉, 舔掉, 清洗得掉, 忘掉, 戒掉, 射掉, 溜掉, 濾掉, 漏掉, 別漏掉, 減掉, 沖掉, 塗掉, 拿掉, 不會掉下去, 鋸掉, 燒掉, 削掉, 把錢花掉, 往下掉, 處理掉, 把屍體處理掉, 死掉, 幹掉, 殺掉, 賣掉, 去掉, 走掉, 垮掉, 壞掉, 扣掉, 擋掉, 摘掉, 扔掉, 打掉, 拆掉, 拔掉, 按掉, 換掉衣服, 掃掉, 推掉, 抖掉, 耗掉, 切掉, 劃掉Frag (shared element) page
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