樽俎折衝 zun ˉ zuˇ zheˊ chong ˉ
Negotiate while drinking wine, Diplomacy
折 Abate, Bend, Break, Convert, Discount, Fold, Pour out, Refract, Relinquish, Snap, Somersault, Turn upside down, Ward off
衝 Blurt out, Brave, Charge, Direct, Fierce, For the sake, Head towards, Hub, Intersection, Machining, Machining, Node, Offend, Rush, Storm, Strategic, Strong smell, Take a
Words with shared element: 樽俎折衝
Shared elements with: 樽, 俎, 折, 衝
樽俎, 金樽俎:
俎上肉, 樽俎折:
折四次, 折疊, 折騰, 折價券, 折衷, 折成, 折磨, 折射, 折返, 折合, 折柳, 折起來, 折扣, 屈折, 骨折, 豎折, 偏折, 波折, 樽俎折衝, 曲折, 不折不扣, 破折號, 橫折, 打折, 大打折扣, 會大打折扣, 挫折, 摧折, 被風雨雷霆摧折, 七折八扣, 轉折衝:
衝回, 衝出, 衝個, 衝動, 衝突, 衝浪, 衝過頭, 衝過來迎接他, 衝進, 衝著, 衝到, 衝下, 衝力, 衝刺, 衝撞, 衝擊, 脈衝, 原始衝, 像一列貨車朝她衝來, 緩衝, 說話又直又衝, 俯衝, 掙脫前衝, 首當其衝, 極衝, 起衝突, 樽俎折衝Frag (shared element) page
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