
難度 nanˊ duˋ

Difficulty, Degree of difficulty

< Difficult, Complex, Hard, Not easy, Problematic, Problem, Prefix used as an adjectifier indicating difficulty (nan4), Disastrous, Rebuke, Reprimand, Suffer

< System, Degree, Capacity, Standard, Kilowatt hour, Consider, Assess, Number of times, Manner, Bearing, (Duo4), Measure, Infer

Degree of, Difficulty

< Complex, Difficult, Disastrous, Hard, Not easy, Prefix Used As, Problem, Problematic, Rebuke, Reprimand, Suffer

< Assess, Bearing, Capacity, Consider, Degree, Infer, Kilowatt, Manner, Measure, Number of times, Standard, System


Difficulty, Degree of difficulty

nanˊ duˋ


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