整合 zhengˇ heˊ
Integration, To integrate, Integrate, Integrates, Integrating, Integrated
Integrate, Integrated, Integrates, Integrating, Integration, To integrate
整 All, Complete, Entire, Exact, Exactly, In good, Make Tidy, Neat, Restore, Restore, Systematic, Tidy, Whole
合 Agree, Combine, Cooperate, Fit, Gather, Join, Partnership, Unify, Unite
Words with shared element: 整合
zhengˇ, heˊ
Integration | To integrate | Integrate | Integrates | Integrating | Integrated
zhengˇ heˊ chengˊ
Integrate | Integrates | Integrating | Integrated | Assemble | Assembles | Assembling | Assembled
整合 | 合成
shiˋ tuˊ zhengˇ heˊ
Try to integrate | Tries to integrate | Trying to integrate | Tried to integrate
試圖 | 整合
tongˇ yiˊ huoˋ zhengˇ heˊ
Unify or integrate | Unifies or integrates | Unifying or integrating | Unified or integrated
lingˋ yiˋ zhongˇ si ˉ kaoˇ zhengˇ heˊ de˙ fang ˉ shiˋ shiˋ
Another way to think about integration is | Another way of think of integrating
整間辦公室, 整疊紙, 整顆, 整體, 整除, 整裝待發, 整組, 整段經歷, 整個, 整体, 整件作品, 整件事, 整夜, 整齊, 整治, 整流罩, 整潔, 整合, 整天, 整理, 整面牆, 整數, 整整, 整棟建築, 整套晚餐, 整塊原木, 整頓, 彙整, 統整, 調整, 完整, 更完整, 寶整性, 逛逛整間屋子, 一整間, 一整盤成, 一整天, 一整牆, 花一整晚, 跑完了一整棟樓, 平整, 工整合:
合唱, 合影, 合夥, 合同, 合斷魂, 合約, 合作, 合併, 合租, 合乎, 合得來, 合算, 合意, 合計, 合宜, 合成, 合身, 合資, 合法, 合適, 合一, 合不來, 合理, 合力, 合格, 嚙合, 吻合, 咬合不正, 回合, 四合院, 一拍即合, 疊合, 貼合, 結合, 絡合物, 綜合, 組合, 縫合, 匯合, 集合, 化合物, 某一種化合物, 偶合, 重合, 很合理的回應, 前仰後合, 符合, 離合器, 悲歡離合, 密合, 磨合, 家庭合照, 癒合, 混合, 兩溶液混合, 湊合, 適合, 迎合, 複合, 分分合合, 會合, 鋁合金, 公合, 分合, 行光合, 苟合, 共合, 融合, 不合, 巧合, 正合我意, 配合, 聚合物, 聚合體, 聯合, 百合, 整合, 場合, 折合, 撮合, 接合, 耦合Frag (shared element) page
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