整合 zhengˇ heˊ

整合 zhengˇ heˊ

(Integrate, Integrated, Integrates, Integrating, Integration, To integrate)

Integration, To integrate, Integrate, Integrates, Integrating, Integrated



zhengˇ heˊ shiˋ


Integration is


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zhengˇ heˊ chengˊ

(Assemble, Assembled, Assembles, Assembling, Integrate, Integrated, Integrates, Integrating)

Integrate, Integrates, Integrating, Integrated, Assemble, Assembles, Assembling, Assembled


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shiˋ tuˊ zhengˇ heˊ

(Tried to, Tries to, Try to, Trying to)

Try to integrate, Tries to integrate, Trying to integrate, Tried to integrate


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dang ˉ jinˋ xingˊ zhengˇ heˊ shiˊ

(When integrating)

When integrating


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tongˇ yiˊ huoˋ zhengˇ heˊ

(Unified, Unifies, Unify, Unifying)

Unify or integrate, Unifies or integrates, Unifying or integrating, Unified or integrated


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lingˋ yiˋ zhongˇ si ˉ kaoˇ zhengˇ heˊ de˙
fang ˉ shiˋ shiˋ

(Another way, Another way to)

Another way to think about integration is, Another way of think of integrating


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Rhymes: eng e

rh: zhengˇ heˊ 整合

rh: zhengˋ heˊ 正合


rh: zhengˇ ke ˉ 整顆


rh: zheng ˉ zhe˙ 爭著


rh: chengˊ che ˉ 乘車


rh: chengˊ cheˋ 澄澈


rh: cheng ˉ deˊ 撐得


rh: cheng ˉ de˙ 稱得


rh: cheng ˉ de˙ 稱的


rh: chengˊ keˋ 乘客


rh: chengˊ le˙ 成了


rh: chengˊ seˋ 橙色


rh: cheng ˉ zhe˙ 撐著


rh: chengˊ zhe˙ 乘著


rh: dengˇ le˙ 等了


rh: dengˋ le˙ 瞪了


rh: dengˇ zheˋ 等這


rh: dengˇ zhe˙ 等著


rh: dengˋ zhe˙ 瞪著


rh: feng ˉ eˋ 鋒鍔


rh: feng ˉ geˊ 風格


rh: feng ˉ heˊ 風和


rh: fengˊ heˊ 縫合


rh: feng ˉ keˊ 封殼


rh: fengˊ zhe˙ 縫著


rh: gengˇ seˋ 哽塞


rh: hengˊ zheˊ 橫折


rh: lengˋ le˙ 愣了


rh: mengˇ de˙ 猛地


rh: mengˋ ke ˉ 孟軻


rh: mengˋ zhe˙ 夢著


rh: nengˊ zhe ˉ 能遮


rh: pengˊ che ˉ 棚車


rh: peng ˉ de˙ 砰地


rh: pengˋ le˙ 碰了


rh: pengˇ zhe˙ 捧著


rh: rengˊ keˇ 仍可


rh: reng ˉ le˙ 扔了


rh: reng ˉ zhe˙ 扔著


rh: sheng ˉ de˙ 升得


rh: shengˇ de˙ 省得


rh: shengˋ de˙ 剩的


rh: sheng ˉ geˊ 升格


rh: sheng ˉ le˙ 生了


rh: shengˇ le˙ 省了


rh: sheng ˉ seˋ 聲色


rh: shengˋ zheˊ 聖哲


rh: shengˋ zheˇ 勝者


rh: tengˊ de˙ 疼得


rh: zhengˋ ceˋ 政策


rh: zheng ˉ deˊ 睜得



< Whole, Complete, Entire, All, Exact, Exactly, Systematic, Restore, Restore order, Make Tidy, Tidy, Neat, In Good Order

All, Complete, Entire, Exact, Exactly, In good, Make Tidy, Neat, Restore, Systematic, Tidy, Whole

< Unite, Unify, Agree, Cooperate, Join, Fit together, Combine, Gather, Partnership

Agree, Combine, Cooperate, Fit, Gather, Join, Partnership, Unify, Unite










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