率 luuˋ shuaiˋ

Calculate, Ratio, Measure, Rate, Limit, Frequency, (Shuai4), Command, Lead, Follow, In general, Simple, Rash, Candid, Random

luuˇ chengˊ 旅程


luuˋ chengˊ 率成


luuˋ deng ˉ 綠燈


nuuˇ pengˊ 女朋


nuuˇ sheng ˉ 女生


nuuˇ sheng ˉ 女聲


qu ˉ fengˉ 祛風


quˇ shengˋ 取勝


xu ˉ nengˊ 須能


yuˊ mengˊ 愚蒙


yuˇ sheng ˉ 雨聲


yu eng

率然 shuaiˋ ranˊ

Casually, Randomly

, , 率然-rhymes

率先 shuaiˋ xian ˉ

Lead, Take the lead

, , 率先-rhymes

率意 shuaiˋ yiˋ

Spur of the moment, Act on spur of moment, Utmost sincerity

, , 率意-rhymes


luuˋ chengˊ gong ˉ luuˋ

Success rate


, , , , 率成功率-rhymes

率性 shuaiˋ xingˋ

Naturally disposed to, Act conscientiously, Conscientiously

, , 率性-rhymes

率領 shuaiˋ lingˇ

Lead, Be at the head of

, , 率領-rhymes


shuaiˋ youˊ jiuˋ zhang ˉ

According to old texts, Follow old practices, Follow old precedents

, , , , 率由舊章-rhymes

率直 shuaiˋ zhiˊ

Outspoken, Frank, Candid, Straight forward

, , 率直-rhymes

率真 shuaiˋ zhen ˉ

Outspoken, Frank, Candid, Straight forward

, , 率真-rhymes

幾率 ji ˉ luuˋ



匯率 huiˋ luuˋ

Exchange rate


倍率 beiˋ luuˋ



收視率 shou ˉ shiˋ luuˋ


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失業率 shi ˉ yeˋ luuˋ

Unemployment rate


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曲率 qu ˉ luuˋ



頻率 pinˊ luuˋ



概率 gaiˋ luuˋ



機率 ji ˉ luuˋ



通報率 tong ˉ baoˋ luuˋ

Reporting rate, Notification rate


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坦率 tanˇ shuaiˋ

Blunt, Frank, Straightforward, Artless, Unfeigned


消耗率 xiao ˉ haoˋ luuˋ

Rate of consumption, Consumption rate


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表率 biaoˇ shuaiˋ



點擊率 dianˇ jiˊ luuˋ

Click rate

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< Calculate, Ratio, Measure, Rate, Limit, Frequency, (Shuai4), Command, Lead, Follow, In general, Simple, Rash, Candid, Random

Calculate, Candid, Command, Follow, Frequency, In general, Lead, Limit, Measure, Random, Rash, Rate, Ratio, Simple

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