指示 zhiˇ shiˋ
Indicator, Indicators, Instruction, Instructions, Direction, Directions, To direct, Direct, Directs, Directing, Directed
Demonstrate, Direct, Directed, Directing, Direction, Directions, Directs, Indicator, Indicators, Instruction, Instructions, Notify, Radical, Reveal, Show, Teach, To
Words with 指示:
zhiˇ shiˋ
Indicator | Indicators | Instruction | Instructions | Direction | Directions | To direct | Direct | Directs | Directing | Directed
指示 | 指示
daoˋ chuˋ dou ˉ youˇ zhiˇ shiˋ paiˊ
Signs all over the place | Signs everywhere
yiˊ ge˙ henˇ haoˇ de˙ zhiˇ shiˋ
A good indication | A good indicator
dengˇ daiˋ jinˋ yiˊ buˋ de˙ zhiˇ shiˋ
Await further instructions
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